In September of 2004 Pastor Ken Mandley, and his wife Connie, left Albuquerque, NM and moved to Turtle Lake to begin Grace Community Church. Initially, five families from the area, who were all part of Shell Lake Full Gospel Church (our elder sister church), joined with Ken and Connie in planting the congregation. After meeting in the Beaver Town Hall for a few months, the new congregation moved to the Turtle Lake School Commons area, where we met for the next seven years. This moved allowed us to begin a Sunday children's ministry. The church grew slowly in numbers as solid relationships were developed in the congregation and community.
In 2008, 10 1/2 acres of land were purchased at the corner of US 63 and 15th Ave (Cemetery Rd) on the southwest corner of Turtle Lake. Construction of our new facility began in May 2011, with most of the work done by the church. We moved in May 2012, and had our dedication service on June 10, 2012. In January, 2013 we began Awana, a children's ministry emphasizing discipleship and Scripture memorization on Wednesday evenings. As we continued to grow we added an multi-purpose addition that meets our need for additional Kid's Ministry space.
In January 2018, Pastor Ken announced his resignation to be effective by the end of the year and the church called Jason Buck to be the Pastor effective August 1, 2018.